The problem with this idea was (and is) that the place I used to make these patches had a minimum order of 100. I didn't sew three patches on my sweatshirt as the photo above seems to indicate. I'm not that ridiculous. I haven't actually sewn any on there yet. But, I'm only going to use one. That means I have 99 patches that I probably won't use.
Do you want one?
They cost $3.00 each and I'm pretty sure I can mail them as a regular letter, so I'm only charging "letter" postage for them. I'm charging less if you order one with anything else. You can buy them from the Atomic Elbow Online Store. Look how good they'll look on your work shirt:

These patches say "The Atomic Elbow" in no uncertain terms, but they don't say what that is, so be prepared to answer that question when you wear these in public. Unless you look tough enough that you're basically unapproachable. Which could happen, because this thing has three skulls on it. Oh, they're four inches square, in case you're wondering how big they are.

So, yeah... go to the Atomic Elbow Online Store and order some patches for all the holes you've got in all of your clothes. They work really well for clothes without holes, too.
By the way, the Box Brown "Official Ratings" prints are almost sold out, so if you want one of those, now would be a good time to buy one. They're both still available in the Atomic Elbow Online Store, but now when you selct the print, you have to choose either "1983" or "1990" at checkout. Thanks, guys!
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