Do people buy stickers? Is that a thing that happens? I can mail them out like they are a letter, so postage would only be 45¢ or, you know, one "forever" stamp. But it seems ridiculous to just mail one sticker, doesn't it? I don't know. So if you send me $1.50, I will mail you three of these stickers. Does that sound fair? I think it does. I hope so.

These stickers are made of vinyl, so you can put them on stop signs or city buses or cop cars or park benches and they won't wash away in the rain. Not that I'm saying you should put them on those things, mind you, I'm just noting that you totally could do it.
I'm not going to put the stickers on the Official Atomic Elbow Online Store because I can only put 5 items up at a time before I have to pay them and I am cheap, so you'll just have to send me a paypal to secondperiod[at]gmail[period]com. Is that okay? I really hope it is okay.
So if you send me $1.50, I will mail you three of these stickers. Does that sound fair? I think it does. I hope so. the avengers 3d wall art